
As we start a new year, this is a moment to start afresh. Yes, this year you can make your good resolutions come true. And it starts with believing in yourself!


Take pride in your past achievements

If you look back on your past, you can see what you have achieved. You can identify what you are good at, what people like in you – your strengths and your skills.


Think about things that you did that made a positive difference in your life or someone else’s life. Think about a key role you played to change a situation or achieve a goal.


If you can think positively about yourself and what you can do, this will help you achieve your goals in the future.


Learn from your mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. At some point in their lives, even the most successful people have made mistakes or experienced failures. Life is full of ups and downs.


Making mistakes doesn’t mean you can no longer succeed. On the contrary, mistakes can help you improve and do better in the future.


Self-confident people learn from their mistakes. Failures make them stronger. They can continue to think positively, even when faced with challenges and setbacks.



Be bold and daring

If you want to stop doubting your capabilities, try something completely new and different. Doing something bold – like chatting with someone you don’t know, or visiting an unfamiliar place – can help you become more comfortable and feel like you are in control of your life.


Being shy or reserved is totally OK, but if you want to become more confident, this is something you can learn as well! Feeling stronger will help you say no – for example, when relatives and friends ask you for money and you don’t want to accept their request.



Don't listen to negative inner voices

We all have our inner voices telling us that we are not capable. We call them limiting beliefs. Our inner voices also sometimes tell us that, if something happens, it is due to bad luck or is someone else’s fault.


Remember, those attitudes don’t lead us in the

right direction.


For example, if you’re in a situation where you’re feeling overwhelmed, miserable, or hurt by someone else, how do you think you’d react?


Option 1: You may think that you’re not responsible for what happens to you, or how you feel as a result. You may think that you don’t have the things you want, or are not experiencing happiness or nice relationships in your life.


Option 2: You may ask yourself, “What can I learn from what happened to me and can I do something about it?” By asking yourself this question, you access your own personal power. You become responsible for your own actions, allowing you to take control of your life.



Remember, to fulfill your dreams, you need to boost your self-confidence. Everyone can practice self-confidence by doing small things:

  1. 1. Review the positive things you have achieved in your life and be proud of them
  3. 2. Consider your mistakes as a way to learn and improve
  5. 3. Take responsibility for what happens to you; don’t blame fate or circumstances
  7. 4. Start small, but dare to do more things
  9. 5. Identify your strengths and count on them to help you grow and be bolder