Mend a Broken Heart by Black Angel Photo by JL Pancho

By Domestic Workers Corner on 15th Jul 2022

Domestic Workers Corner Hong Kong
Mend a broken heart
By: Black Angel
Love means sacrifice.
Love can make us blind.
Love is like a poison that can kill anyone if too much.
Love could be unconditional.
Love is all around us.
Wherever you turn your eyes, love you can find.
Have you fall in love?
Have you feel loved by someone?
God given us a gift to love and give back love.
Love for God, family, children, friends and everyone else.
Falling in love passionately with someone is the most wonderful feelings that we could ever have towards a person.
It's a magical feeling and affection to an opposite sex.
You will feel your heart trembling with joy and happiness. 
And beating too fast whenever you're with that person.
A wonderful feeling just like you're in a cloud 9 they said.
Just like a free bird flying in the sky who never mind of anything else.
Love could make us smile.
Love could make us laugh.
Love could make us dream and create a future with that person you love.
But love can make our eyes and heart cry out loud.
And above all, it could give us the most painful heartache we could never imagine that existing.
Can we do mend a broken heart?
Can we still able to love again after that heartache?
Can we still survive and open doors to someone else again?
Only we, you and I can answer these questions 
People say it's easy to fall in love with someone apparently in a saying"love at first sight".
You can fall in love that easy, even in a blink of an eye.
But moving on from heartbreak takes a long time.
If a person is not strong or brave enough to overcome and surpass all the pain and anger inside of them, definitely it will takes a lifetime to mend or heal a broken heart.
Moving on is the hardest part of healing.
It could eat your whole world because of that pain.
Maybe you think It's crazy, it's funny but this is the truth.
Sometimes, if a person is so weak and don't know how to handle the pain, grieving and failure in love it ended up taking their own lives.
Which is the very last choice and should never do.
Mending your heart begin in yourself.
You need to love yourself first before anyone else.
No other person could give love to you more than you can give to yourself.
Adore yourself and gather all the broken pieces of you
No one can help you heal yourself but only you.
Spend time to meditate, soul searching, find your self again.
It's okay to cry, it's okay to shout and scream out loud.
Let that pain bring out all from you until nothing left inside.
Surrender all that pain and sorrow to God and let him take away all your pain and sadness.
Let God help you to heal and move on so fast.
Entertain yourself and enjoy life to the fullest 
Go out with friends, spend more time with the family, it really helps a lot.
Find something that can make you productive.
But never ever to come in a new relationship again if you are not yet completely healed.
It's not fair for that person to be just a rebound.
Don't use other person to replace your past.
You will never feel the real love, likewise to that person if you still longing for your past love.
And in the end you just create another heartbreak again.
Give yourself time to heal, to mend.
Never rush to find love again.
Let the love find you.
Because I still believe that every each of us has it's own destiny. 
We should be patient and have faith.
That in God's perfect time, love will find a way to lead you to that person, who can love you for the rest of your life
Maraming salamat po ❤️
God bless you 🙏

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