Eric... The Iconic

By Anna09 on 4th Nov 2020

Horizons: home for talented migrant workers in Hong Kong

He is my big brother in poetry, loyal and has a unique quality.

He is the only one who can make our mami Ody laugh, a gesture of humor naturally.

Very respectful and extraordinary

His masterpieces are really from the bottom of his heart and deep vocabulary.


I found him awesome because of his experiences in his life

He shares them sometimes and you can really learn a lesson to be your guide

A gentleman and a very responsible husband

A dignified father and a very loving son.


He works hard for his children's future

Even he is petite his heart is big and caring in nature

He is always on the right track, you cannot judge his behavior

He knows well what to say and do, a man with honor.


He is kuya ERIC, horizons pride and unico iho

We love him dearly for his honesty and integrity

Take care always for God will provide all your needs

I hope to meet you soon, my kuya Eric, the Iconic.


Written by: Annaliza V. Aquino



Horizons Senior Poet

Other Poems by Anna09