By Anna09 on 27th Oct 2020

Horizons: home for talented migrant workers in Hong Kong



To God Almighty

For the energy,

Wisdom and patience

Love and good conscience.


To my family

For the dignity

Faithfulness and loyalty

The courage to face life's journey.


To Horizons

For the compassion

Sense of belonging and home

For the power of positivity

That gives light to everyday's difficulty.


To my good friends

For friendship that never ends

Teaching me humility and giving

Good companionship and learning

True colors of the world within.


To my bashers

For providing answers

To the differences

Everyone's preferences

Equality and for growing my experiences.


To my partner

For loving me forever

Never gets tired

Of understanding me and loyalty never collides

I love you till my life subsides.


MERCI is not enough

For coloring my life

For all the wonderful blessings

My life is amazing!


Written by: Annaliza V. Aquino



Horizons Senior Poet

Other Poems by Anna09