
There are times in life

We feel that we are worthless

Sometimes we always feel that we 're alone

And most of the times we feel so down

We feel.this this kind of depression

And we conclude that  we don't have

 The role to play in this world


Hey !  wake up my friend !

Time to end  the negativity

Time to look back and feel that

your life is valuable!


Be aware that  You have that

 very  big role to play in this world

Never let yourself feel bad!

Cheer up!  and stand up!

Make yourself feel great!


Always appreciate life...

As the song goes..."It's a beautiful life"

Always see the blessings...

Others don't have


Value  those small and big things!

Never compare!..

You are Unique!

Raise your head high and say that ...

You  are worthy having a valuable  life!

Other Poems by Balotbondoc