Wave three

By OdyHorizons on 11th Jul 2020

Horizons: home for talented migrant workers in Hong Kong

Wave three.

By:Melody Nadal

Aka Ody Munson



COVID-nineteen is back means the virus just circulating around.

Let's not make our body to be this virus training ground.

Something all of us needs to be aware that's why  I wrote this poem as a reminder.

We know ourselves better.

So please take extra good care.

We can't trust this virus, accept this new norm.

If nothing important, stay indoor better be in your dorm.


If we succeed wave one two and now we're on wave three.

Be more strict on keeping yourself healthy.

Eat balanced food, that's nutritious, the healthy immune system was needed by our body.

Take vitamins helps adds to boost immunity.

Try to gain more strength, by sleeping properly.

Proper hygiene by taking a shower regularly.

Wash your hands accordingly, don't be lazy.

If outside alcohol gel, hand sanitizer, no access to the sink that's why carry it with you it's necessary.

Because this virus multiply first or indirect contact it's an explorer.

Wear your mask, also should be properly, find the right side take note because this is a necessity.


Sometimes it's ok not to be ok.

Emotionally we should also pay attention don't worry, be happy life will go on.

Avoid entertaining so much negativity.

Although we're taking this virus seriously.

This is not funny.

But rather than that don't think too much, that's not necessary.

What you need is to find ways to be productive precautiously.

This virus have no mercy, not just extra ordinary


Self-love listens to your playlist.

Music is a food for our soul, calms our mind, helps us relax, feel stronger.

Inhale, exhale be sure your breathing properly.

Take an awe walk in a not so crowded place.

Always wear your smile.

Start your day with a positive mindset.

Affirmation claim things are gonna be okay, your thinking is a very powerful tool.

Isn't it very cool?

Visualization choose tour colour I chose leopard print I feel I could roar.

Conquer over this virus

Exercise, simple stretching, in a small space will do.

Dreaming that one day will get over this will back to normal.

The world is COVID-nineteen.



Make your self busy so corona was not in your mind.

Let's be an inspiration and motivation, start to rock n roll lets grind.

You can turn your self into writing, articles, short poem, or essay.

Start to sketch or draw, dance or sing, record your own video.

Don't be shy, your being productive.

That talent living within you.

Wake your talent up.

Show to the world your ability.

Lots of reason to be proud of you.

Succesful self-advantage over the harmful pandemic.

No time for joke,cant even mimic.

If this virus can multiply.

Let's make ourselves, physically and emotionally great.

Were human queen of ourselves, we already have our own crown.

We strongly denied that deadly , poisonous crown.



#third wave of coronavirus in Hongkong.

#content if my poem is from

1-my seminar with Doctors without borders

2-from what I learned at my Dare to Dream class in Uplifters.



#Social media correspondent

#Team leader at Uplifters

#Strongly condemning,fighting coronavirus.

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Other Poems by OdyHorizons