
Time flies so fast...

We just started yesterday

then now, we're getting deeper.


We've been through

a lot of crazy things.

We "loved”, " argued"

and hurt each other many times.


What we have was

a roller coaster ride.

We dived in a deep water

without knowing how to swim

but we did survived


Trials I know made us stronger.

There were times...

" I wanna give up"

 and just end everything.


There are no perfect relationships.

Ours was just one example.

We " clashed " and " reconciled"

but until when?


I never expected you to

give me something like this.

All I was asking is...

your time, love and attention .


I wasn't expecting that

you'll make it real.

Until one day ...

my doubts ended...

it's already in my finger.

Other Poems by Balotbondoc