Emotions Tailspin: Mental Health Matters

By yuvelah4755 on 22nd Sep 2022



Too many questions left unasked 

Too many emotions I suppressed and masked

Too many decisions I wish I had done right

Too many frustrations that keep me awake at night.


With all the chaos that's happening inside me

The emotional tailspin I struggle with every day

I simply go back to the reason why I am here

Why I am fighting and surviving my silent battles.


The two tiny, delicate souls that believe in me

The people who are fervently praying that I’ll find my way

And all the dreams that I still have to pursue

They all give me the reason to push through.


We all go through something every day

And we all have our own demons to slay

Some put it into words, some suffer in silence

Some choose an easy but painful way out.


Our minds can be our very own prison

To our souls, it can be poison.

It can be our worst enemy

But we can always choose to break free.


If today you feel like you are in darkness

When you succumb to sadness

When everything doesn't seem right

Darling, I feel you, you are not alone. 


Pause, rest, and reflect if you need to

A shoulder to cry on would be nice too

Seek help when things get so heavy to carry 

You are not alone and you have nothing to worry.


There's beauty in being alive

Hang in there, wait for the breakthrough

It is never easy, I know

But with faith and prayers, you'll make it through.


Please remember that our emotions are valid

That it's okay to cry and feel the pain

But despite the bruised spirit, smudged make-up, and bloodshot eyes,

Always choose to pick yourself up and keep going.


By: Alona Percalin Tercepona