A Blissful Life

By Edith Garma on 3rd Aug 2022

Domestic Workers Corner Hong Kong
Horizons: home for talented migrant workers in Hong Kong
Migrant Writers of Hong Kong

Enjoying the serenity of the dawn walk

You can feel the wet grass dew

Nearby, screeches the gray hawk

While Aurora's ascending at the peak's view


The crack of the dawn's mesmerizing

You contemplated, 'twas a rough voyage

Then forlorn when dilemma's arising

Yet you keep traversing to your anchorage


And you conquered and survived

Those adversities along the way

Unwavering faith propelled you to thrive

That no avalanche could ever sway !


Now you're in a bliss for being retired

For you know how to burry the hatchet

No any bitterness or regrets inside

But reverence to anyone in this planet


You may have arthritis and blurred vision

Yet the vivacity spirit that endears

Still thumping on, ready for an expedition

With spouse devotion throughout the years


Oh, indeed it's a marvelous journey !

Thank you God for reaching retirement

Thank you for the privilege and mercy

More thanks for a grandson who's ebullient !


Oh, you're in deep gratitude

For fulfilling your life's purpose

For experiencing life's beauty and solitude

A sweet reminiscene in this earth's surface


From a distance, grandson's coming

A spectacular view in your sight

A touching moment, your tears are flooding

Can't wait to embrace your forever delight !

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