
I hear and breathe with it.

My mind is's functioning and

imagining a lot of  beautiful things.


I feel the beating of my heart.

I even hear the air ..

coming in and out of my nostrils...

It's wonderfully vibrating.


Oh the sound of silence...

the feeling is so calm and relaxing.

My soul is just like soaring.

Stress free , I'm rejoicing...

It' really so amazing!


There is peace in silence...

No chaotic things...

Free from violence...

No.dramatic things.


In the silence of my heart...

I think of my family,friends and You.

Sharing love and memories together.

There was contentment.


Silence is better than to SCREAM.

Silence is   holy.

In the silence...there is GOD.


Give your ears a break!

Other Poems by Balotbondoc