A time to look forward for the positive things

A time to recall and renew!

Let's rejoice and be glad!

A time to forgive and let go!

Forget the past and open another door

for a brand new story in  our lives.


Holidays are here  again...

prepare and pray hard for His guidance

and more blessings!


No negative vibes please...

Everything will be alright!

We just need to have strong Faith!


Years will pass by again and again and

Endurance is a must!

Another memorable year to come.

Remember what you learned from the past.


May the sad days be gone...

and hardships will soon be okay.

It's another opoortunity to go on!

And move on!

Cheers for another year of journey!

Happy New Year!

Poems by Other Authors

Other Poems by Balotbondoc