By iamJerick.04 on 8th Dec 2020

Pinoy Life Fan Club
Horizons: home for talented migrant workers in Hong Kong

Why are they all the same?

Is it me to be blame?

Im looking from afar, they are happy

Confused and thinking..what about me?


Since I began to feel my senses

Im conscious to how I look when I go to places

People stares at me looking confused

As if I owe them to be amuse


But lately I realized how beautiful I am

My own color and physique, truly an art in Instagram

My good aura flourishes as the air gets high

It will always linger and never say goodbye


Now I tell you to be proud of what you are

To be humble and good, even you are a star

We are all equal and made with love so quick

Because God see us so perfect and very unique.