Before and After

By OdyHorizons on 2nd Nov 2020

Horizons: home for talented migrant workers in Hong Kong

Before and After

BY :Melody Nadal

Aka. Ody Munson


Time flies, that's not a lie.

As you are aging, are you maturing.

Did you used your time wisely.

Are you levelling up, and trying to help,

the needy.

Be the guiding light of the weary.


If you did I salute you, nobledeed extraordinary.

Do it from the bottom of your heart not because your loved by many.

No need to be told or wait for one two three.

Do your actions voluntarily.


This is what you called love for humanity.

Be wise enough as you grow old don't be blinded by treachery.

Keep your good heart, accompanied by your sanity.

During this challenging time, this is one great contribution, to our community.


Consist by us, we they me.

Being a humanitarian, naturally.

Compassion man's awesome retribution.

As we're the strength and hope for this nation.