Analyn... My Evergreen

By Anna09 on 13th Oct 2020

Horizons: home for talented migrant workers in Hong Kong

Our love for each other is as new as it was in the beginning.

The feeling never changed since we started knowing.

We are both busy in our chosen fields but we never missed chatting.

Even time has differences we always share the happiness, smiling.


She works hard so she can travel around the world.

Enjoys her life to the fullest and discover nature and culture.

She endured a lot of pain when her son battled from his operation.

Her faith is always intact that makes her more stronger during that difficult situation.


She is a generous friend and a caring sister.

A very thoughtful daughter and a loving mother.

Her simplicity is exemplary that makes her more beautiful in the eyes of many.

Her honesty and loyalty makes her family closer everyday.


Her humility is her behavior that i like most.

Even she has more  she never boasts

She is ANALYN, my evergreen, I love her till the end.

Someday, we will have a time to sit in a bench and unwind.

We will remember all those memories that we left behind.


By: Annaliza V. Aquino



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