
By OdyHorizons on 10th Sep 2020

Horizons: home for talented migrant workers in Hong Kong

Good morning Koala class.

Today is Week 2day 4 of our Dare to Dream Course.


One of the difficult yet worthy to study Lesson about #LOAN


So let's make simple and easy to remember by putting it into a poem.


Come all let's read a poem same time learn financial management.


Thank you to our CEO Marie Kretz Di Meglio

And for the whole Uplifters team for giving us this platform so we migrant worker will learn how to handle financial management and were not into debt and we will go home happy with enough money, as survey said only 6percent of domestic workers go home happy with enough money.



By Melody Nadal

A. K. A. Ody Munson


Think a million times before signing its form.

Life can be tough in this new norm.

Learn your financial management.

So you won't get trapped in this predicament.


If from the very beginning you learned five ways to save up, loan won't be happening.

Have you ever heard of emergency savings.

Paying your self first

First and foremost to learn on your  proper way of financial handling.


But it's not too late when you already have loans.

Now that you're studying your financial management at Dare to Dream.

Don't let thus happened again.

It's nice if you Could start to save up before you finished paying back.


Now let us put you back on track.

On your salary day pay yourself first, your daily needs and save money.

Then pay your loans one with high interest should go first.

Then send your remittances.

Let your family knows your financial situation, so they know what to expect.

Teach them how to catch a fish too.

So not all financial burdens falls on you.