Ms. Conscience, Mr. Ego

By OdyHorizons on 28th Aug 2020

Horizons: home for talented migrant workers in Hong Kong

Ms. Conscience Mr. Ego

By Melody Nadal

 aka Ody Munson


Dear, Melody Nadal aka also known as Ody Munson.

Will I ask how are you today?

Should I say as a forty year old adult

you must know who you are very well.

How are you with your goals did you accomplished any?


The mother side of me I love all of my kids

By blood or by poetry, they are my babies.

But dear Ody, you're doing great being their mother and founder.

Sometimes take time to rest.

Life is too long road for your quest.

Oh! I am resting, my dear conscience.

My kids are my happy pill.

Giving my unconditional love in my own free will.


Your love for writing and poetry was exemplary.

You will do better if you will guide many.

Excuse me my dear ego maybe you missed to visit Horizons My home for talented migrant workers for many.


Miss writer how open did you share, your knowledge to inspire and motivate?

Everyday of my life I'm writing my five minute written piece, sharing it in Daily Life in Covid -19, thus is my 144th prompt.

Happily sharpening my brain, Alzhimers I'm avoiding.

Sooner or later I'm ageing.


Here we go again, dear Ody, don't worry too much.

You're living life to the fullest.

Even if there's pandemic, you're saying your everyday grace.

You don't need a thumbs ups or sweet phrases.

Never change yourself because sometimes there are bashers, hard headed, people around you.


Continue what you're doing writing.

After that speak up through reciting.

Continue to show your love to humanity.

Helping the distressed, sharing is caring.

Greatest performance is through act of kindness without asking anything in return.


Be happy and contented in this pandemic, you got a chance to help.

Although you miss your family.

Don't loose hope, just keep on doing your passion.

Till you didn't know on your next creation.

You're next to your husband, no more recession.

Help in making mother earth healed, that's the biggest form of education.

All of us needs positive transformation.

Right now never stop sending your love through poetry, you're never ending dedication.


I love you self.

Sometimes it's OK not to be OK.

Self love, that's what will heal the pain from the past.

Always change for the better.

This poem is my gift to you my reader.....


#Prompt 144 a letter to self

Other Poems by OdyHorizons