Our Engineer. Our Pride

By Anna09 on 23rd Aug 2020

Horizons: home for talented migrant workers in Hong Kong

He is my cousin, he is like a brother and more than a  friend

He is a pride in our clan, everyone can comprehend

He is a real hero to his siblings

He is the best son to his parents.


Inspite of the degree that he reached

His humility is still intact no need to teach

You can always count on him

He is willing to help, you can trust him.


He can build your home not just a house to live on

He can design your familys desire so you can rest peacefully till dawn

He can help you fulfill your dream while his living on his own realm

He is our pride, he is our engineer, we can all scream.


My dear Revin, continue to spread love to humanity

For loving is the key to a successful journey

But wherever you maybe, share positivity

For it will reflect you and your dignity.

Maintain your peace and serenity.

Other Poems by Anna09