Who Is The Better Person

By roni.lacs on 13th May 2020


Who Is The Better Person
by Ron R. Lacson



I was at Maxim Cafeteria in Nam Fung Centre. After I got my order, I carried my food tray. I looked around to find a seat. I found a 4-seater table.

(This happened during the pre-COVID days when people could still sit together and wearing facemask wasn't mandatory yet.)



With me were 2 young pretty ladies, and an older lady. They’re all Chinese. The 2 young ladies were arguing. At first, I just ignored them, but then it came to a point that I couldn’t enjoy my lunch anymore. They were yelling and shouting and screaming at each other. They were also tearing and taking off each other’s clothes (just kidding 🤣 )


So I looked at them straight in the eyes showing my concern. They continued to squabble and acted like they didn’t notice me. So, I raised my hands and spoke, “What are you two ladies fighting about?”


“Well,” answered one lady (in English) with a bit of reluctance “we’re debating who is the better person – Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston.”

I suddenly felt like I choked myself with a big chunk of broccoli. “That’s what you two are bickering about? Which celebrity is better? You almost killed each other with your chopsticks! That’s silly” I said.


(Actually, it’s not silly. Haven't they watched ‘MALEFICENT 1 and 2 ?’ Angelina Jolie should win hands down. 😎).

“Every person is original. Each one of us has certain unique qualities. You can’t judge a person just by looking at her achievements or by assessing her abilities. The best way to know a person is by trying to understand her relationship with her family, friends, and other people. The truth is, we will only be able to understand a person if we know what she thinks. And I bet no one here knows what those 2 celebrities think regularly. So, you really can’t argue about ‘who is the better person’.” I said.



Did I really say that? (Naks!!). I think I did, or something like that.

(Actually, I don’t remember. But since this is my story, I can boast a bit, can’t I? 😀  )

Surprisingly, the 2 ladies understood. They nodded their heads while they sipped their ice-lemon-tea drinks. They also stopped arguing.



“What about you Mam?” I turned to the older lady (yes, she’s still there), who looked like a respectable college professor. “Who do you think is the better person?”

I was expecting her to say that we should not judge people, just like what I said to the younger ladies; so, a lesson of how we must equally treat each person with respect will be affirmed again.

“Well..,” she began talking. Her voice was a little weird, like that of a singing canary bird. Then she stood up flamboyantly, placed one hand on her hip, put her other hand’s forefinger on her earring, raised her one eyebrow, looked at all of us with her smooching lips, and announced with pride:

“It’s Brad Pitt, of course.”